School Improvement Team
Blue Ridge Elementary has an active School Improvement Team (SIT) that meets every second Thursday of the month during the school year. Each year this team, along with the grade levels or areas they represent, develops our School Improvement/Title 1 Plan and Parent Involvement Plan, allocates our Title 1 budget, and reviews our progress toward meeting school, district, and statewide targets. The SIT members for 2023-2024 are:
School Improvement Team Members
Mark Young - Principal
Lisa Taylor - Assistant Principal
Emily Adams - Academic Coach
Victoria Chastain - Kindergarten
Capprice Ramsey - First Grade
Megan Orton - Second Grade
Barbara Foley - Third Grade
Jill Kendall - Fourth Grade
Kelly Castro - Fifth Grade
Laura Babcock - Special Education
Tori Arp - PTO/STEAM
Debby Settle - Paraprofessional
Chris Parker - Media Specialist
Trista Ragsdale - School Counselor
Holly Ross - Parent Liaison