Nurse's Station
We are dedicated to ensuring that your child is not only safe at school and healthy, but we will work with you to guide your children on a path of total wellness. If your child has a change in his or her health status, please let me know as soon as possible. It is very important for your child to receive the best care while at school and by keeping your child's nurse and teacher informed; you can help us provide that.
Parents: Please remember that a new medication order is required each school year for necessary medication at school. Do not send medications to school with a child. All initial medications must be checked in with the school nurse. A completed doctor's order must be received prior to any medications being administered at school. If you know your child will be taking medications for this school year, you may pick up a medication order form from the school nurse or the office.
Please make sure that all immunizations are up to date and the 3231 form is on file at the school office. If this is your child's first time enrolling in a Georgia school, please note that you can have their immunizations from a previous state of residence transferred to a Georgia 3231 form by taking the immunization record to ANY Health Department in the state of Georgia. To speak with Nurse Amanda, please call (706) 632- 5772 or email her at
Parents: Please remember that a new medication order is required each school year for necessary medication at school. Do not send medications to school with a child. All initial medications must be checked in with the school nurse. A completed doctor's order must be received prior to any medications being administered at school. If you know your child will be taking medications for this school year, you may pick up a medication order form from the school nurse or the office.
Please make sure that all immunizations are up to date and the 3231 form is on file at the school office. If this is your child's first time enrolling in a Georgia school, please note that you can have their immunizations from a previous state of residence transferred to a Georgia 3231 form by taking the immunization record to ANY Health Department in the state of Georgia. To speak with Nurse Amanda, please call (706) 632- 5772 or email her at

Amanda Reece